Revolving sky
DECEMBER 3, 2008
"You cannot help but learn more as you take the world into your hands. Take it up reverently, for it is an old piece of clay, with millions of thumbprints on it."--JOHN UPDIKEI saw the Milky Way last night. There is something about taking a 10-15 minute break at 4am to sit on the beach and look at the stars. I usually get a chance to compare the night sky throughout the night/early morning. At 7pm, Orion's Belt is in the south and we seem much closer to the systems. By second patrol, in the early morning, Orion's Belt is in the north and appears much further away. Some nights everything is much more vivid and the sky appears to never stop, in depth and in length. Last night, the stars began to fade into the horizon and dark patches, probably clouds, blocked out all signs of space.
Lucas came back today. I was glad to see him, or rather hear him as he barked madly at the crazy bearded man that's been bulldozing our precious vegetation around the dirt road since yesterday.
I am tired. I slept until 10am today. Latest yet. Probably because I didn't get to sleep until almost 6am and it wasn't too terribly hot this morning, which is usually what gets me up so early. That and hunger. But I finished my dinner for breakfast before I went to bed. I was feeling really too ill last night to eat.
I love the beach, the water, and the warmth, but I do miss home. I miss running, too. Something about being here that really makes you appreciate the little things, like going to Tsaya to rent movies, taking walks or rides through the park, running in the country, at the shrines. I am sad that I will miss Christmas. By the time Christmas comes, I will have two more weeks left. Ok... three and half, but I'll keep telling myself it's only two. I keep going back to Kurashiki. Something about the canals; those colors. I also keep going back to the zen garden in Takimatsu. I can visualize the building; the symbol tower. The pier and how I was told not to come back if I get sick. I am stronger.