Day 24

DECEMBER 9, 2008

Today is a day off patrol for me and I am trying to do nothing and enjoy it, but I am having trouble not doing. I'm on hatchery from 10am-1pm. I've done the dishes, made templates for the N and S patrol books, the exhumation book, and the hatchlings book. I finished a blog that I want to post this week from Thanksgiving, which I will probably do on Thursday when I head into town. I'm going to try and stick to Thursday as being the day that I head into town. I wrote a second unsendable letter. Now making lunch is on the brain. I wish everyone would just make their own damn lunch today.
"That's no way to be. All tangled up like balls of string."
I am sitting here overlooking the ocean. Joel is down on the beach doing an exhumation. Alan is painting at the table while singing Blues Traveler terribly off key. Margarita is lone and away, traveling back from San José with her renewed visa. Natalia is rocking quietly in the hammock; gazing into space and thinking about how much she misses her mother. Sarah and Chris are down the beach putting sector posts up. It's so quiet.

"My hope is that you will not be content just to be successful in the way that our society measures success; that you will not obey the rules, when the rules are unjust; that you will act out the courage that I know is in you."--HOWARD ZINN
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