TOMS Innovation


Recently I began the collaboration of a new project with a rep from TOMS Shoes who had started a student organization at his university in North Carolina. He is working towards a degree in management information systems and industrial operations management, and is working to improve the psychology of the shoe industry by understanding the wants, needs, and habits of its customers. For some time he has been working with colleagues to create a program that analyzes the precise foot structure of its customers to create perfectly fitted TOMS shoes using this digital software. The software analyzes the bend and length of the toes, arch of the foot, width, shape, and size relative to shoes currently worn. It's a fascinating program, still in its first beta test run as I have the lucky privilege to become the first guinea pig. Once TOMS creates the shoes, I get to prance around in their perfection, and critique the design accuracy of this innovative program. How awesome is that?

My TOMS choice

Here is the best part. Other participants are needed to test the software and indulge in a free pair of TOMS in any style of your liking. Participants sought must be female, but as of now, any shoe/feet size, variation, width, or contour has the opportunity to participate in this righteous research project. There are also opportunities to contribute to the habitual side of the research, while making some extra cash in compensation for helping TOMS with their developments. If you are interested, please reply by comment or send me an email at:


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