How I love the Earth...

Much more than I love others, and I really do love and care for people an enormous amount. But I definitely do not care for all people. People like capitalist-mongers that gain from the exploitation of their clientele and nonfinitely raw materials. Where with increased population, the client has indeed become the most abundant of resource and the goal to create consumerist addictions and win-over interests (implanted by industry) is the only mission. As the consumer, we have become distracted by excessive advertising and entertainment; foods, fashion, HGtv, American sports and fountain-of-youth beauty care products have captivated us in such a way that the utopian image is no longer defined by plush green landscapes and clean air sparked by the industrial era. No. Utopia today is defined by the concept of having it all, or having it your way. But do you really, and what does that mean to you? Do you gain happiness through the pleasure of others, or is it at their expense? Have we developed the same sort of mentality as the industry that enthralls us--taking and climbing over consumerist competitors and buyers as we make our way to the material top. Was it supposed to be this way; this out of control; this insensitive?

Capitalist enterprises have been modifying and perfecting business propaganda and selling-tactics for over 200 years. In the late 1800s-early 1900s hardy products were manufactured with quality to last; first to serve, and profit last. Industry wanted to win the hearts of their consumer, and the company that could provide them with the best and most reliable products, won. But now it seems many commercial giants have done more harm than good. Crashing housing markets, laying off employees while expecting them to still buy; stealing dreams, making us fat, intolerant, sick. Their presence sometimes confusing or contradictory. Do you still think that industry provides us with reliable, well-made, and honest products? Some industries do, perhaps, but we could further touch on the unnecessary environmental impacts of ALL industry and what a population really needs vs. what it wants. If you think that these topics are unrelated, then you also must think that our digestive tract is not firmly tied to the environment at both ends.

The evidence of our senses is sufficient to tell us that all economic activity--all that human beings are, all that they can ever accomplish--is embedded within the workings of a particular planet. [Natural 7]
- Natural Capitalism, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins

Economic peril is apparent. Environmental peril, too. And still we obsessively buy and compete for imaginary status over our neighbors. Why? The world has shifted. Survival mentality is upon some of us like never before. Some argue that corporate business has their own fair share of concerns for economic downfall and success as the state of the economy falls on their affairs and the prosperity of any business reliant on the popular demand of a product; steady and ever-increasing. The measure of a successful business is only as powerful as the intellectuals that run these businesses. You can be damn sure that money makes the world go round and those that have mastered its traverse are the masters of their profession.

The world is inevitably run by these and other intellectuals. For the world's progress is measured by the newest discoveries, cures and inventions (as well as interventions). Financed, driven by money, and sometimes good hearts make the difference and set the margin. But even good hearts on large scales can be overrun by successes measured in capital. Money finances engineers to enhance functionally efficient mobility and progress. It finances the drive of scrutiny and the need for specific research, and speciality. It finances the largest, the fastest and the most proficient of growth and power. It finances, steals and replenishes goods of service not equally balanced in recourse. Resources used up faster than being replenished, where sustainable supplies come from a source mastered by the makers of profit. We shall use bamboo, for it be replenished. We shall not doubt our governments ability to govern, or an agro-engineer's ability to grow sustainable crops. No concern of the measure of a limit; the capacity of a body of Earth inhaling and exhaling with immense adaptation running short; unable to stretch and breath much further for much longer. These are all things to think about, always and often--not only when they appear to matter in life's distress.


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